Dyke Industries

Millwork Products

Recent Trends

November 2019 / Endura's Replaceable Deck Sill 

The Replaceable Deck Sill™ [RDS] is the sill of the future, enabling replacement of a discolored or damaged sill deck without removing the sill or the entire door unit. With RDS™ – take a fraction of the time and money to replace the sill deck with RDS in comparison to the time and money it would take to clean, repair or in some cases, totally replace the entire door system. With RDS, accidents on the jobsite are an easy fix. Drop a brick. Spill some paint. RDS’s sill deck can be removed and replaced with ease, requiring only a few simple steps and tools already on hand.

Endura Products New Replaceable Deck Sill Brochure

April 2019 / Enclosed Blinds Color Collection

By now, most people are familiar with blinds enclosed inside door glass.  They provide easy hassle-free cleaning, reduce noise when opening and closing the door, and are not prone to damage like external blinds. Now that product line has expanded to offer internal blinds in many different colors. See below for more information.

Western Reflections Enclosed Blinds Color Collection



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